Current Version Versions: 5.00a - 6.00a
To visit each release section directly, please use these links.
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Changes in Version 6.00a, April 24, 2009
Changes in Version 5.30d, December 12, 2008
Changes in Version 5.30c, September 26, 2008
Changes in Version 5.30b, September 02, 2008
Changes in Version 5.30a, May 25, 2008
Changes in Version 5.30a, May 02, 2008
Changes in Version 5.20f, March 14, 2008
Changes in Version 5.20e, January 25, 2008
Changes in Version 5.20d, January 02, 2008
Changes in Version 5.20d, December 07, 2007
Changes in Version 5.20c, November 21, 2007
Changes in Version 5.20c, September 21, 2007
Changes in Version 5.20b, July 27, 2007
Changes in Version 5.20a, May 07, 2007
Changes in Version 5.10b, March 29, 2007
Changes in Version 5.10b, March 20, 2007
Changes in Version 5.10a, February 2, 2007
Changes in Version 5.00c, November 3, 2006
Changes in Version 5.00b, September 5, 2006
Initial Version 5.00a, June 29, 2006
Changes in Version 6.00a, April 24, 2009 Return
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- From the menu select Tools -> Internet Options
- Under Browsing History (IE7) or Temporary Internet Files (IE6), Click Settings
- Under "Check for newer versions of stored pages", select "Automatically"
- Click OK
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Data Entry
- Patient Data: Added 'Maiden Name' field
- Patient Data: Implemented changes due to the following revised NAACCR/COC/SEER edit checks:
- ICD Revision Number, Cause of Death (NAACCR)
- ICD Revision Number, Cause of Death (SEER IF37)
- Case Data: Performance and interface improvements
- Case Data: Searchable field option list hotkey changed from F4 to F2 (for such fields as ICD-O-3 Topography and Histology)
- Case Data: Available Keys indicator relocated into data entry frame
- Case Data: Fixed 'Help' links for CS fields
- Case Data: Revised edit checks and 'Diagnosis Age' calculation to allow cases diagnosed in utero
- Case Data: Added 'Age/Site/Morph Override' codes for use with cases diagnosed in utero
- Case Data: Added 'HER2 IHC', 'HER2 FISH', 'HER2 Test Unspecified', 'HER2 Performed', and 'HER2 Result' fields
- Case Data: Moved 'Following Physician' field to Case Follow-Up
- Case Data: Moved 'Alt. Follow. Phy.' field to Case Follow-Up
- Case Data: Moved 'Other Involved Phys.' field to Case Follow-Up
- Case Data: Improved performance of Collaborative Stage field edit checks
- Case Data: Implemented the following new or previously unimplemented NAACCR/COC/SEER edit checks:
- CS Ext, Histol ICDO3, Breast Schema (CS)
- CS Extension, Brain Schema (CS)
- CS Extension, CS Lymph Nodes, CS Mets at DX (CS)
- CS Extension, Morphology, Bladder ICDO3 (CS)
- CS Extension, Mycosis Fungoides Schema (CS)
- CS Extension, TS/Ext Eval, Prostate Schema (CS)
- CS Lymph Nodes, SSF3, Nodes Eval, Melanoma (CS)
- CS Mets at DX, Lung, Laterality (CS)
- CS Mets Eval, CS Mets at DX, CS Version 1st (CS)
- CS Reg Nodes Eval, Lymph Nodes, Breast Schema(CS)
- CS SSF 1, SSF 2, Prostate Schema (CS)
- CS SSF 1-6, Head and Neck Schemas (CS)
- CS SSF 3, SSF 4, Prostate Schema (CS)
- CS SSF 3, TS/Ext Eval, Prostate Schema (CS)
- CS SSF 6, Tumor Size, Breast Schema (CS)
- Date of Mult Tum, Lymphoma/Leukem/Unk Site(NAACCR)
- Mult Tum Rpt, Lymphoma/Leukemia/Unk Site (NAACCR)
- Multiplicity Ctr, Lymphoma/Leukem/Unk Site(NAACCR)
- Obsolete Codes - CS Extension (SEER IF146)
- Obsolete Codes - CS Lymph Nodes (SEER IF147)
- Obsolete Codes - CS Mets at DX (SEER IF148)
- Obsolete Codes - CS SSF 1 (SEER IF149)
- Obsolete Codes - CS SSF 2 (SEER)
- Obsolete Codes - CS SSF 3 (SEER IF150)
- Obsolete Codes - CS SSF 4 (SEER IF151)
- Case Data: Implemented changes due to the following revised NAACCR/COC/SEER edit checks:
- CS Extension, Lymphoma Schema (CS)
- CS Extension, Primary Site, Behavior ICDO3 (CS)
- CS Extension, Primary Site, Histol ICDO3 (NAACCR)
- CS Extension, TS/Ext Eval, Prostate Schema (CS)
- CS Items, Death Certificate Only (CS)
- CS Items, Type Reporting Source (NAACCR)
- CS Items, Type Reporting Source (NPCR)
- CS Items, Type Reporting Source (SEER)
- CS Reg Nodes Ex, Pos, Site, Hist ICDO3, Report (CS)
- Date of Mult Tum, Lymphoma/Leukem/Unk Site(NAACCR)
- Edit Over-rides (NAACCR)
- Edit Over-rides (SEER REVIEWFL)
- Mult Tum Rpt As One Prim, Primary Site (NAACCR)
- Mult Tum Rpt, Lymphoma/Leukemia/Unk Site (NAACCR)
- Multiplicity Ctr, Lymphoma/Leukem/Unk Site(NAACCR)
- Primary Site, AJCC Stage Group - Ed 6 (NAACCR)
- Primary Site, AJCC Stage Group - Ed 6, ICDO3 (COC)
- Case Follow-Up: Added 'Following Physician' field (moved from Case Data)
- Case Follow-Up: Changed 'Following Physician' field label to 'Primary Follow-Up Physician'
- Case Follow-Up: Added 'Alt. Follow. Phy.' field (moved from Case Data)
- Case Follow-Up: Changed 'Alt. Follow. Phy.' field label to 'Follow-Up Physician 2 (or Rad Onc)'
- Case Follow-Up: Added 'Other Involved Phys.' field (moved from Case Data)
- Case Follow-Up: Changed 'Other Involved Phys.' field label to 'Follow-Up Physician 3 (or Med Onc)'
- Case Follow-Up: Added 'Follow-Up Physician 4' and 'Follow-Up Physician 5' fields
- Case Follow-Up: Changed 'Primary Follow-Up Method' field label to 'Next Follow-Up Method'
- Case Follow-Up: Changed 'Next Follow-Up Method' and 'Alternate Follow-Up Method' codes to two digit values
- Case Follow-Up: Added new codes 10 and 11 to 'Next Follow-Up Method' and 'Alternate Follow-Up Method' allowed values
- Case Follow-Up: Implemented the following new or previously unimplemented NAACCR/COC/SEER edit checks:
- Follow-Up Source Central, Vital Status (NPCR)
- Case Text: Improved interface, including navigation between text categories using Tab key
- Case Text: Now accessible as a tab available in within Case Data
- Inter-Record: Revised 'Therapy Local Hospital Id' edit checks against Class Hx fields to only check First Course Therapies
- Inter-Record: Implemented the following new or previously unimplemented NAACCR/COC/SEER edit checks:
- CS Eval Items, Vital Status (CS)
- CS Extension, Surgery, Prostate Schema (CS)
- CS Reg Nodes Eval, RX Summ--Scope, Nodes Ex (CS)
- CS SSF 3, RX Summ--SurgMargins, Prost Schema (CS)
- CS TS/Ext Eval, Surgery, Bladder Schema (CS)
- Inter-Record: Implemented changes due to the following revised NAACCR/COC/SEER edit checks:
- Birth Date, Date of Diagnosis (NAACCR IF47)
- CS TS/Ext Eval, Surgery, Prostate Schema (CS)
- Key Change: Reordered the cleared field notification messages to match the Case Data field order
- Delete Record Delete warning displays more information about record to be deleted
- Abstract Report: New 2009 Data Fields
- Abstract Report: Displays translations for CS fields
- Follow-up Mailing Labels: New follow-up physicians
- ACOS Follow-Up Report: Removed inconsistency between print and display versions
- ACOS Follow-Up Report: Uses current year
Data Analysis
- NAACCR Export: Added 'Maiden Name' field
- NAACCR Export: Revised 'Next Follow-Up Method' conversion to handle the two digit codes
- Cross-tab: Standardized counts to reflect largest count (i.e. a case data element crossed with a case therapy element will reflect the count of therapy records)
- General: Support for 2009 fields
Data Exchange
- NCDB: Added 'Maiden Name' field
- NCDB: Revised 'Next Follow-Up Method' conversion to handle the two digit codes
- Central FUP: Displays one active affiliated hospital ID with each case for multi-hospital installations
- Physician List: Added 'Specialty' field to the Physician form
Changes in Version 5.30d, December 12, 2008 Return
Data Entry
- General: Revised to allow more incomplete patients before restricting patient creation for Multi-Hospital databases
- General: Updated Incomplete List to allow selection of records by facility for Multi-Hospital databases
- General: Fixed Incomplete List to correctly sort by ModUser field
- General: Create menu changed to add create case affiliation option
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring 'CS Extension' to be 41-70 when 'CS TS/Ext Eval' is 2 for Prostate cases
- Case Data:Primary payor in class history edit form is now bolded correctly
- Case Other: Updated Incomplete flag handling to ensure patient data upload with valid 'Case Other' records
- Case Text: Limit increased from 3360 characters to 4000 characters per field
- Case Text: Advisory labels added when editing
- Inter-Record: Added edit check requiring case affiliation record for the facility in 'Therapy Local Hospital Id'
- Inter-Record: Added edit check to not allow 'Class of Case' to be 0 for the facility in 'Therapy Local Hospital Id'
- Inter-Record: Revised edit check to allow 'CS TS/Ext Eval' to be 2 for Prostate cases with 'Surgery Code' 19-26
- Inter-Record: Updated edit checking to run 'Diagnosis Date/Accession Year' edit check for all case affiliations
- Inter-Record: Updated edit checking to run 'Birth Date/Date of First Contact' edit check for all case affiliations
- Inter-Record: Updated edit checking to run 'Palliative Procedure/Palliative Procedure - This Facility' edit check for all case affiliations
Data Analysis
- General: Resolved display/scrolling issue for large reports.
- Comparative Tools: Compare study groups and apply statistical tests like Chi-square, T-test.
- Comparative Tools: View and compare survival data with Log-rank test. Graphing support.
- Comparative Tools: Chi-square calculator included for use with arbitrary data.
- Query Builder: Added 'remove' value button for use with IN comparator.
- Central Follow-up Report:Option to turn off reporting of missing sequences
- Central Follow-up Report:Displays other involved institutions for cases inconsistent with central
- Patient Abstract Report: Updated to provide Coll. Stage Translations
Changes in Version 5.30c, September 26, 2008 Return
Data Entry
- Class Hx: Added new field 'Date First Contact'
- Class Hx: Added new field 'Inst Referred From '
- Class Hx: Added new field 'Inst Referred To'
- Class Hx: Added new field 'Palliative Procedure - This Facility '
- Class Hx: Added new field 'Abstracted By'
- Case Therapy: Added new field 'Therapy Local Hospital Id' to replace 'At this Facility'
- Case Therapy: Changed field 'At this Facility' to be a hidden calculated field
- Case Therapy: Revised 'Fords Reg LN Surg' edit check to require 9 for Topography C75.1 - C75.3
Data Analysis
- NAACCR Export: Revised RX Hosp output to include Roads surgery values for cases prior to 1998
- NCDB: Revised RX Hosp output to include Roads surgery values for cases prior to 1998
- NCDB: Revised output to read from new Class Hx fields for multi hospital facilities
- NCDB: Updated call for data 2008 metafiles
- Patient Abstract Report: Updated to follow Data Entry layout
Changes in Version 5.30b, September 02, 2008 Return
Data Entry
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Accession Year to be equal to or one year later than Date of First Contact year
- Case Data: Modified CS Factor 1 edit check to require 999 for DCO cases when the CS Schema is Stomach
- Case Data: Modified CS Factor 2 edit check to require 999 for DCO cases when the CS Schema is Colon or Rectum
- NCDB: Support for 2008 Call for Data
- NCDB: Support for patient/case identifiers in edits reports
- NCDB: Support for clinical edits
- NCDB: Support for off season edits
- QA CaseCounts: Counts now match CaseCounts report totals
- CC Frequency: Resolved issue with counts
- CC Frequency: Sorting feature available
- FollowUp Mailing lists: FU letter Mail merge friendly option
Changes in Version 5.30a, May 25, 2008 Return
Data Entry
- Case Data: Revised Clin T Stage edit check to allow blank for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Revised Clin N Stage edit check to allow blank for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Revised Clin M Stage edit check to allow blank for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Revised Path T Stage edit check to allow blank for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Revised Path N Stage edit check to allow blank for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Revised Path M Stage edit check to allow blank for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Changed Hematologic Multiple Primary edit check from an error to a warning
Changes in Version 5.30a, May 02, 2008 Return
Data Entry
- Case Data: Implemented Collaborative Stage V010401
- Case Data: Revised edit checks for Path T Stage to allow blank for cases with Diag Year 2008 and later
- Case Data: Revised edit checks for Path N Stage to allow blank for cases with Diag Year 2008 and later
- Case Data: Revised edit checks for Path M Stage to allow blank for cases with Diag Year 2008 and later
- Case Data: Revised edit checks for Path Staged By to allow blank for cases with Diag Year 2008 and later
- Case Data: Revised edit checks for Path Stage Group to allow blank for cases with Diag Year 2008 and later
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Path T Stage to be 88 or blank for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Path N Stage to be 88 or blank for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Path M Stage to be 88 or blank for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Clin T Stage to be 88 for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Clin N Stage to be 88 for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Clin M Stage to be 88 for Lymphoma cases
- Case Data: Removed edit check requiring CS TS Ext Eval to be 8 for Case Class 5
- Case Data: Removed edit check requiring CS Reg LN Eval to be 8 for Case Class 5
- Case Data: Removed edit check requiring CS Mets Eval to be 8 for Case Class 5
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Case Class to be 5 for CS TS Ext Eval 8
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Case Class to be 5 for CS Reg LN Eval 8
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Case Class to be 5 for CS Mets Eval 8
- Case Data: Revised case save to set Date Completed when saving newly completed cases with inter-record errors
- Case Data: Revised case key change to set Date Completed when saving newly completed cases
- Case Data: Revised case key change to clear Multiplicity Counter, Date Multiple Tumors,Type of Multiple Tumors, Ambiguous TerminologyDx, and Date of Conclusive Terminology when Diagnosis Year is earlier than 2007
- Case Data: Physician name now displayed along with the codes
- Patient Data: Added edit check requiring that Race code 01 to be stored in last Race field not coded to 88
Data Analysis
- NAACCR Export: Added conversion of invalid T, N, and M Stage fields to 88 for Lymphoma cases
Data Exchange
- NCDB: Added conversion of invalid T, N, and M Stage fields to 88 for Lymphoma cases
- Control Follow Up List: Revised to correctly display facility id/name in Printable View
Changes in Version 5.20f, March 14, 2008 Return
Data Entry
- Case Data: Implemented Collaborative Stage V01.04.00
- Case Data: Revised edit check for CS Lymph Nodes, CS Factor 3, and Breast schema
- Case Data: Added edit check for CS Lymph Nodes, Nodes Positive, CS Factor 3, and Breast Schema
- Case Data: Added edit check for Behavior Code, CS Factor 6, and Breast Schema
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring CS Tumor Size to be 999 for Topography C80.9 and OthIllDef schema
- Case Data: Added edit check for CS Extension, Topography, and Lymphoma schema
- Case Data: Added edit check for CS Extension, CS Lymph Nodes, CS Mets, and Bladder schema
- Case Data: Added edit check for CS Lymph Nodes, CS Reg LN Eval, and Bladder schema
- Case Data: Added edit check for Topography, Nodes Positive, and OthEndocrine schema
- Case Data: Added edit check for Topography, Nodes Examined, and OthEndocrine schema
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring CS TS Ext Eval to be 8 for Case Class 5
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring CS Reg LN Eval to be 8 for Case Class 5
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring CS Mets Eval to be 8 for Case Class 5
- Case Data: Added edit check for Topography C58.9, Clin Stage Group, Clin T Stage, and Clin M Stage
- Case Data: Added edit check for Topography C58.9, Path Stage Group, Path T Stage, and Path M Stage
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Diagnosis Date to precede Date of First Contact for Case Class 3
- Death Certificate: Added Death Certificate view form
- Death Certificate: Added Death Certificate indicator to Patient Status
- General: Ability to change affiliation after case creation
- Inter-Record: Added edit check for CS TS Ext Eval, Most Definitive Surgery Code, and Prostate schema
- NAACCR Therapy: Removed code for handling NAACCR version 9 or earlier
- NAACCR Therapy: Removed code for handling subsequent therapies
Data Analysis
- NAACCR Export: Added MultiplicityCounter, DateMultipleTumors,MultTumRptAsOnePrim, AmbiguousTerminologyDx, and DateConclusiveDx
- NAACCR Export: Revised output for SEER Coding System Current and SEER Coding System Original
Data Exchange
- Death Clearance: Revised Death Certificate List to handle zero dates
- Death Clearance: Revised Death Certificate List to handle recently deleted patients
- NCDB: Added MultiplicityCounter, DateMultipleTumors, MultTumRptAsOnePrim, AmbiguousTerminologyDx, and DateConclusiveDx
- NCDB: Revised output for SEER Coding System Current and SEER Coding System Original
- General: Revised to allow multi-hospital facilites to select either all, some or a single facility
Changes in Version 5.20e, January 25, 2008 Return
Data Entry
- General: Provided the ability to change login hospital from within DataEntry.
This ability is now available for multi facilities and can be accessed from the Logout menu item.
- Case Data: Revised Summary Stage 2000 calculation for cases with Topography C61.9 and Diagnosis Year 2001-2003
- Case Data: Resolved issue with Case Edit Form to display pTNM Descriptor value correctly
- Case Therapy: Added edit check requiring Rad Regional Modality and Rad Boost Modality when Rad Code is blank
Data Analysis
- New menu layout
- NAACCR export / HIPAA log tool added
- Case Text fields available
- Date fields can be described by year
- Case Timeliness Report: Revised report to use months instead of days
- Master Patient List: Accession Year now optionable - defaults to all years
- FollowUp Master/Mailing lists: Registry Reference Year now optional - defaults to all years
- Key Change Report: Resolved issue to display changes made within same day
Changes in Version 5.20d, January 02, 2008 Return
Data Exchange
- Central Follow-Up Report: Option available to specify diagnosis date range
- Central Follow-Up Report: Results can be ordered by Patient Name or by SSN
Changes in Version 5.20d, December 07, 2007 Return
- General: Revised ACoS Required check to include cases with Date of First Contact in or after start year
- General: Changed internal database field names for NAACCR Therapy to ensure uniqueness
Data Entry
- Case Data: Added edit check requiring Date No First Tx to not precede Diag Date
- Case Data: Revised edit checks to use look up table for checking Coll Stage values for DCO cases
- Case Data: Revised CS Extension edit to match 'NAACCR CS Extension,Hematopoietic (CS)' edit
- Case Data: Added edit check to match NAACCR 'CS Extension, Primary Site, Behavior ICDO3 (CS)' edit
- Case Data: Added edit check to match NAACCR 'CS Extension, CS Lymph Nodes, CS Mets at DX (CS)' edit
- Case Data: Added Warning for when Topography is invalid for Histology indicating Meninges
- Case Data: Revised Case Class edit check to fix bug in Global Edit Checks for DCO cases
Data Exchange
- Central Follow-Up Report: Highlights Survival Status as red when alive in local database but deceased at central
- NCDB: Revised NCDB to fix Case Class 0 with Tx Here 1 error for Multi-Hospital databases
Data Analysis
- General: "Save As" feature now available for study groups
- Case Count Annual Summary Report: Corrected issue with missing/invalid fields in downloadable version of report
- Key Change/Delete List Report: Report to view key changes and/or deletes now available
- Patient Abstract report: Clinical TNM staging codes for summarized version are now in correct order
- Registry Accession log Report: Revised report to output records correctly for each hospital in a multi hospital facility
Changes in Version 5.20c, November 21, 2007 Return
Data Exchange
- General:Central Follow-Up Report in now available
Changes in Version 5.20c, September 21, 2007 Return
Data Entry
- General: Revised to improve handling of calculated fields
- General: Support for online help system extended to all applicable fields
- General: Improved handling of date field entry
- Case Therapy: Increased size of therapy lookup box to display more therapies
Data Exchange
- NCDB: Added support for submissions for 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006 and off years
- NCDB: Added support for edit checks results report
- Update Calculated Fields: Revised to process all calculated fields
Changes in Version 5.20b, July 27, 2007 Return
Data Entry
- Patient Data: New online help system available.
- Case Data: Added inter-field edit checks - Clinical and Pathology TNM fields
- Follow Up: Added inter-field edit checks - cancer status/recur status
Data Analysis
- General: Revised record count tool to automatically updates itself in response to study group actions
- General: Revised study group editor to provide NAACCR therapy field choices
- General: Fixed a problem where two-variable descriptive reports would sometimes not omit values
Changes in Version 5.20a, May 07, 2007 Return
Data Entry
- General: Revised to prevent records without errors being placed on the patient incomplete list
- Case Data: Added 2007 fields
- Case Data: Fixed edit check problem that allowed Primary Payor to be blank
- Case Therapy: Revised to always calculate radiation code when no therapy errors are present
- Case Therapy: Fixed therapy creation code to not create a key change log
Data Analysis
- Descriptive: Support for description of two simultaneous variables (cross tabulation)
- Study Group Editor: Revised summary view to display and print better
- Study Group Editor: Revised Institution choice lists to now display [id] [name], ordered by id
- Survival: Survival stats with criteria outside patient/case data should work properly
Data Exchange
- NCDB: Updated to allow creation of NCDB files for multi-hospital databases
- Follow Up ACoS Report: Fixed to output correct percentage for Subtotal, Total Number Current for Subtotal Analytic cases
- Patient Abstract Report: Added 2007 fields
- Patient Abstract Report: Fixed bug when using "View All" when patient(s) selected by SSN
- Support Files: Added NPI Number to Physician List
- Support Files: Added NPI Number to Institution List
Changes in Version 5.10b, March 29, 2007 Return
Data Analysis
- General: Survival analysis tool available - Features censored life table and graph
- General: Study group editor page is now printer-friendly
- General: Patient and Case User Defined Data fields are now available in study group editor and analysis tools
Changes in Version 5.10b, March 20, 2007 Return
Data Entry
- Case Data: Revised CS Extension edit check to allow CS Extension 10 with Histology 9734 for HEMERETIC schema
- Case Data: Removed redundant schema name in CS Extension edit check messages
Data Analysis
- General: Improved speed when running queries involving field translation
- General: Revised to list Physicians and Hospitals alphabetically
- Bar Graphs: Revised to improve control over margins, labels, and colors
- Histograms: Revised to improve control over margins, labels, and colors
- Histograms: Updated to display percentages
- Manage Study Groups: Updated to list all database fields
Data Exchange
- Death Certificate List: Added interactive death certificate processing
- Support Files: Revised Physician List to prevent Physician Id deletion or change when Id is associated with a case
- Annual Summary Report: Fixed to output correct Summary Stage header on multiple page reports
- Patient Abstract Report: Fixed to translate ICDO/ICDO2 Histology codes correctly
Changes in Version 5.10a, February 2, 2007 Return
- General: Improved speed of loading data records
- General: Implemented Banner for all the pages
- General: New Look Menus implemented
Data Entry
- Case Data: Revised Case Class edit check to allow values 8 and 9 at KCR only
- Case Data: Revised Best Stage Group to store Collaborative Stage derived codes
- Case Follow-Up: Case FollowUp is now implemented on a single page
- Naaccr Tx: Added automatic deletion of Naaccr Tx records when case is deleted
- Naaccr Tx: Fixed Naaccr Tx error caused by blank Radiation Location field
- Patient Abstract Report: Fixed to display clinical and pathological classification and staging data correctly
- Follow Up ACoS Report: Updated Report to exclude patients diagnosed on or after 01/01/2006 with COC 0
- Follow Up Mailing labels: Fixed to display contact information correctly for all follow up method types
- Follow Up Mailing labels: Revised to provide report data in mail merge compatible format
Data Analysis
- General: Available for beta version testers only
Data Exchange
- NCDB: Added support for off year submission
Changes in Version 5.00c, November 3, 2006 Return
Data Entry
- General: Added Incomplete flags and processing to CaseOther, CaseText, and ClassHx records
- General: Updated Incomplete flags handling during record deletions
- General: Updated Edit Checks to set Incomplete flags for patients with no cases
- General: Updated Collaborative Stage calculation to version 010300
- General: Added calculation of Class Hosp Id to Data Entry
- General: Added calculation of Best Stage Group to Data Entry
- General: Added calculation of Beale Code, Area Development District, and Appalachia code to Data Entry
- General: Changed the look of the page tabs used in the Data Entry forms
- General: Fixed session reload bug. Broken sessions now reload properly from the Record List pages
- General: Fixed Bug caused by '%' character in the data
- Case Data:Added display of ClassHospId in case data view and edit forms
- Case Data:Fixed case overwrite bug that occurred when creating text in case form
- Case Data:Revised case accession number assignment to not issue duplicate numbers during concurrent editing
- Case Data:Revised edit check for DiagDate so that DiagDate < 1940 is invalid
- Case Data:Added edit check to make topography C42.0-C42.1 with histology 9590-9719 invalid
- Case Other: SiteGroup in the Case Other Data Entry form is now non-editable
- Class History: Revise Date Completed processing to allow zero in historical data
- Class History: Revised Date Completed processing to set Class Hx Date Complete only after case is complete
- Case Text: Added Modification User and Date fields to the case text edit form
- Case Text: Revised case text inter-record edit to properly handle a multi-hosp database
- Case Therapy: Revised Surgery Code and Site Specific Factor 4 edit check
- Case Therapy: Added automatically generated Naaccr Therapy Summary record
- Case Therapy: Added Naaccr Therapy Summary to view menu in Data Entry
- General: Added Update Calculated Fields functionality to Maintenance Menu
Data Exchange
- General: Added support for NCDB submissions of 1995, 2000, and 2005 data to Data Exchange menu
- Global Edit Check Report: Fixed incomplete flagging bug in Global Edit Check therapy processing
- Global Edit Check Report: Improved speed of Global Edit Checks
- Global Edit Check Report: Revised Global Edit Checks to always include cases with blank Diag Date
- Patient Abstract Report: Fixed bug with translation of Therapy codes
- Patient Abstract Report: Revised report to include cases of type 'O'
- Patient Abstract Report: Revised report to display cases in order of case sequence
- Patient Abstract Report: Added header for Follow Up
- Patient Abstract Report: Added Systemic tx/surgery
- Patient Abstract Report: Added Patient and Case User defined fields (when applicable)
- Feedback Form: Added disclaimer to not enter patient information in message box
User Accounts
- Added System Administrator "sysadm" account functionality
Changes in Version 5.00b, September 5, 2006 Return
Data Entry
- General: Added Patient Abstract Report to Data Entry View Menu
- General: Added a message that is displayed when case ownership changes
- General: Added Class Hx labels to inter-record edit check and data entry view errors forms
- General: Added display of Inter-Record edit check errors under related fields in edit forms
- General: Removed "successful save/delete" messages
- General: Removed "key change successful" messages
- General: Revised appearance of buttons on choice list forms
- General: Revised to properly handle single quotes in data fields
- General: Revised the page tabs in all edit forms
- General: Revised edit check message handling to use error list database table
- General: Revised edit forms to open to first page with an error after edit checks are performed
- Patient Data: Revised name fields to properly handle spaces
- Case Data: Added Topography and Histology descriptions to the review forms
- Case Data: Added Inter-Record edit checks to Case Other create and edit forms
- Case Data: Revised position of Historical page to now be page 8
- Case Data: Revised Site Group in Case Other edit form to not be editable
- Case Data: Revised County lookup to properly handle single quotes in City and Zip
- Case Key Change: Revised to set "Last Modification By" and "Last Modification Time" on change only
- Class History: Revised to properly set "Last Modification By" and "Last Modification Time"
- Class History: Revised to update Case immediately when Class Hx update causes case ownership change
- Class History: Revised to open Case edit form when Class Hx update causes case ownership change
- Class History: Revised to correctly set assigned Accession Number when saving with cursor in Acc Year field
- Case Text: Revised view form hospital selection to only include facilities with text
- Case Therapy: Added Surgery Group specific drop down lists to ROADS Surgery edit form
- Case Therapy: Fixed Surgery at Primary Site entry bug
- Case Therapy: Revised Therapy Edit Menu to always display Case Therapy List
Main Menu
- Patient Incomplete List: Fixed display of InterRecord Error Flag
- Patient Incomplete List: Revised to return user to the Incomplete list after deleting a patient accessed from the Incomplete list
- General: Added "Select Hospital" menu item to allow change of user hospital
- General: Removed "successful save/delete" messages in Support File and User Defined Label edit forms
- General: Added ability to cancel a report before it has completed
- General: Revised appearance of buttons on choice list forms
- Follow-Up ACoS Report: Revised to output correct 'Starting Accession Year' when a specific year is entered
- Global Edit Check Report: Added new Global Edit Check Report to
- KCR Timeliness Report: Revised to display current year and associated results
- Patient Abstract Report: Fixed a database connection error that occurred when 'View' option was selected
- Patient Abstract Report: Revised to order Therapies by Therapy Start Date
- Patient Abstract Report: Revised position of Lymph Nodes Examined and Lymph Nodes Positive
Initial Version 5.00a, June 29, 2006
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